Jan 21, 2009

Deep down inside

The day we met was not any special,
we turned out to be very good friends
But as the time passed,
The seed of love developed in the soil of our hearts
Now we remembered that very first day
And realized what it meant to us.

Today we are in different ships,
going apart from each other.
I don’t have any regressions but still cherish,
the moments we spent together,
the golden period of our lives.

It doesn’t matter how far we are
The light of hope will never fade away
Darkness of this world might try to kill our hopes
But, the intensity of our love wont let it die.

The place where we met for the first time
The trees under the shade of which,
the fruit of our love grew,
Those memories can be still found
in the roots deep down there.

Today we are at two different shores
Only because we love each other so much
But the storm of our love,
can still be seen shattered
on the trails of the path of our love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very nice